Connect together with a networking experience like no other! Participants collaborate virtually or in small groups using our customizable iQuiz app to network and build industry connections. Work closely with colleagues to answer a variety of trivia questions, riddles, visual puzzles, and other fun challenges to score the most points and be crowned Number One Networkers!
Participants meet up via live video stream (such as Zoom) or together in small groups, download the game code into their personal devices, and enjoy a little friendly competition while getting to know each other in a collaborative setting. Work closely with colleagues to answer a variety of trivia questions, riddles, visual puzzles, and other fun challenges to score as many points as possible before running out of time!
At any space on our customizable game board, teams may be asked to capture a video of a team member telling a funny joke, to snap a picture of everyone displaying a message of unity across the screen, or answer a range of fun trivia. Do you know who said this famous quote: “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing”? Customized challenges, networking questions, content, and branding are also available upon request.
At the conclusion of the program, the Game Master plays a slideshow of team photos that were submitted during the game, followed by a virtual award presentation for the Number One Networkers!