Bootcamp for Corporate

by Rosita Carobelli-Zukowski, All in Place Communications and Event Planning

Happy New Year! Did you make New Year resolutions? Have you broken yours already? How many times have you promised yourself that you’ll get into shape? You tell yourself, “This year will be different!”

Researchers have proven that the more fit someone is, the more they achieve mental clarity and perform better at what they love to do. However, everyone knows New Year resolutions aren’t typically met. After a few weeks, people tend to go back to their ‘old ways’. It is hard establishing a new routine; it takes approximately 21 days to build a habit and incorporate it into a new routine.

Wouldn’t it be nice to stick to a work out routine by working out with your co-workers? All of us need to have a motivator to push ourselves more. Some companies have started just this. Boot camp exercise classes for yoga, pilates and cardio are popping up everywhere. Whether one does it with a partner or with a group, the chances of sticking through are better as everyone in the same room is motivated in working towards meeting the same or similar goals. Once everyone is focused on achieving their individual end results, they’ll begin pushing themselves more. As well as working together better. They won’t let each other ‘fall off the wagon’ or accept excuses for skipping classes (even 6am starts!). Instead, a camaraderie will form resulting in healthier working relationships and even friendships. Teambuilding can be found in everyday routines; motivating one another to be the best they can be.