Why Events Matter

by Janet Elkins, EventWorks, Inc.
Obviously, when you ask me this question, the answer is: That is how we make money. Not only does event production create income for our twelve full-time employees, it also affects countless contractors in many cities, states and countries in a very direct way. However, while the need for jobs in our industry is clear to us, the public perceives business meetings still in a very negative way; fat cats indulging themselves in tropical resorts, in some cases financed by tax payer money bailouts.

The Events of Business

by Travis Himstedt, Corporate Event Interactive
Whether we run a small business or a department of a larger business we all have the same goal in mind; we want to grow our business entity to the optimal size and have it run efficiently and effectively.  To accomplish this we implement the best possible strategies available.  The word strategy is loosely defined as a plan or method for obtaining specific results.  As business managers and owners we constantly try to find and execute on strategies that best serve our needs.  However, just as an event cannot be successful with only one participant, businesses cannot succeed with only one strategy.