Give Back Locally to Make a Global Impact

In 2015 the United Nations laid out and adopted The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In that, they are focusing on 5 key areas: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership. They expand on the idea of sustainability with the understanding that building a better tomorrow isn’t just about protecting natural resources, but includes protecting and supporting people.

At Corporate Event Interactive (CEI), we give back in many sustainable ways, but one of our primary goals is to help companies partner with local organizations through local Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) events. These events lift up the people in the community and support organizations that provide opportunities through educational and/or essential care packages. Our CSR events support the global efforts of the UN Sustainability Goals by bringing the focus into local communities, and making sure that nobody is forgotten.

Importance of Supporting Local Organizations

Every community is different, but the issues they face are very similar. Generally, they revolve around homelessness and poverty, health and well-being, and a quality education. These correlate to the first four Sustainable Development Goals laid out by the United Nations. Every region has its local organizations devoted to addressing these needs, but figuring out who to partner with can be daunting. 

1. CSR Event Addressing Homelessness/Poverty

One Team: Community Care Packages

Gather your team to help impact the community with One Team: Community Care Packages! Participants strategize the best way to tackle challenges in teams and earn essential supplies for care packages. This may be designed as a team building program or station activity. Previous kits have included everyday items for veterans, boxed lunches for food pantries, and relief supplies for those displaced by natural disasters.

2. CSR Event Supporting Health and Well-Being

One Team: Chemo Care Kits

Guests build relationships as they engage in a friendly competition and assemble items for Lemons of Love, a non-profit organization that provides support and community to people living with cancer. They ‘help cancer suck less’!

3. CSR Event Supporting Education

STEM Team Challenge

Bring your team together to make an impact with the STEM Team Challenge, an exciting high-tech team-building initiative designed to foster teamwork while making a positive impact on children’s education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Guests assemble kits that promote STEM learning. These kits are then donated to a local educational organization.

4. CSR Event Addressing the Climate Crisis

Green Team Challenge

Experience the thrill of The Green Team Challenge, where teams delve into exhilarating eco-challenges that go beyond the usual ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle’ approach. Teams engage in a series of unique green-focused trivia and tasks right in the meeting room. They earn valuable points and bragging rights on the way to being crowned Champions of Sustainability.

5. CSR Event Giving Back to Several Initiatives

Crocs & Socks

Upon arrival, guests are presented with a vibrant croc or sock, and their task is to find their perfect match. Working in pairs, they collaboratively curate a care package that includes the crocs and socks, ready to be donated to one or more local organizations. You have the option to select from one, two, or all four types of care packages, ensuring a diverse and impactful contribution to the community.

Benefits of These CSR Initiatives

We’ve said before and we’ll say it again, Corporate Social Responsibility events boost company morale because employees enjoy the feeling of giving back. This feeling is compounded with the knowledge that their efforts are benefitting people within their own community. In return, the community also feels a stronger affinity towards the company. This improves the overall reputation of the company and boosts brand loyalty. It’s the best win-win out there, plus it has the support of the United Nations!


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations emphasizes a holistic approach to sustainability that integrates the well-being of people with the protection of our planet. Corporate Event Interactive (CEI) aligns with this vision through its focus on facilitating impactful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) events that address critical community needs. 

Partnering with local organizations and engaging companies in hands-on initiatives, CEI helps address homelessness, supports health and well-being, and fosters educational opportunities. These efforts not only benefit communities but also enhance employee morale and strengthen corporate reputation. In essence, CEI’s approach exemplifies how local actions can contribute to global sustainability goals, creating a tangible and positive impact for both people and the planet. Reach out today to start planning your own local CSR event.

Stay tuned to find out CEI can help your event have more of a global impact!

Team Building Trends & Networking News, December 2021

Capture Company Culture
By Linda Whitlock

Hi Everyone,

With so many teams working remotely from home, maintaining company culture has been challenging, to say the least. The days of gathering together for lunch or after work socials are long forgotten (if non-existent). Impromptu outings now resemble meetings where arrangements have to be thought through, planned and scheduled in advance. Any gathering or activity with your team is an opportunity to help encourage better communication practices, build trust and values, and promote moments of joy at work. We all need to feel connected. Team building is one way to develop a strong company culture, providing a sense of community. It could be as simple as sharing stories of favorite childhood memories or recipes. Or, creating a fun and friendly competition between departments. There are many options that can be delivered virtually or in-person. When a team works together to achieve common goals, everyone wins! Individuals, the organization and customers. The benefits of team building go a long way, long after the activity experience ends. Contact us to help build and strengthen your company culture in 2022.
From our CEI team to yours, wishing you all a safe and relaxing holiday season. We look forward to working with you in 2022.
~ Linda

Team Building Trends & Networking News, February 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility: Why & How to Give Back

By Linda Whitlock
Practicing Corporate Social Responsibility is essential for today’s business owners. When companies are aware of the way their business practices affect both their stakeholders and the general public, this practice is valued as corporate citizenship.
Here is the Why:
In today’s media climate, customers, clients and employees are paying more attention to a company’s integrity and culture.Providing CSR opportunities at your event helps to foster a positive corporate image and promotes loyalty both internally, between employees and the company, and externally, between the company and its patronage.
Here is the How:
The following should considered to determine the ideal way to give back at your event.Amount of time you’d like to spend on your eventNumber of participants you’d like to involveDesired location for your eventSpecified budget for your eventSelected cause, corporate alignment, or local need
Facilitate anything from cleaning up a beach or park toparticipating in a combination team-building, care-package event!
Here Is How Your Company Can Execute a Rewarding CSR Event:
Send out pre-event info to your employees to garner excitement. Engage employees physically and mentally with contests that foster friendly competition.Invite a representative from the benefiting charity to speak.End with a photo opp of the team showcasing what they accomplished.Hire a team building company to bring your event to life!

Team Building that Rocks in the New Year

The start of the new near is a great time for companies to set the tone for the year ahead. Team building creates an experience that builds community and personal connections. We design programs to engage everyone in the activity.

CASE STUDY: Philanthropic Event for Pharmaceutical Company Multi Focus Event for 1,200 people

This pharmaceutical company wanted to provide a meaningful charitable team event for 1,200 attendees during their National Sales Meeting. The event would support the client’s larger overall Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative and annual day of service, benefiting local non-profit organizations in the Las Vegas area where the meeting was taking place.

Company Culture – Five Ideas for Your Team to Give Back

Colleagues Teambuilding & Volunteering
Colleagues Teambuilding & Volunteering

Company culture plays a big role in employee satisfaction and retention. Some companies embrace a work hard, play hard ideology, others embrace giving back to the communities in which they are located. Deloitte, Salesforce, Stryker and others listed in the March 2015 Fortune article by Benjamin Snyder (@WriterSnyder) pay their employees for their time while they give back. Employees are encouraged to get into the community and share their talents. They do good works for others, they can feel good about their achievements and proud of their company for supporting their efforts. This is a triple win!