Team Building Trends & Networking News, February 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility: Why & How to Give Back

By Linda Whitlock
Practicing Corporate Social Responsibility is essential for today’s business owners. When companies are aware of the way their business practices affect both their stakeholders and the general public, this practice is valued as corporate citizenship.
Here is the Why:
In today’s media climate, customers, clients and employees are paying more attention to a company’s integrity and culture.Providing CSR opportunities at your event helps to foster a positive corporate image and promotes loyalty both internally, between employees and the company, and externally, between the company and its patronage.
Here is the How:
The following should considered to determine the ideal way to give back at your event.Amount of time you’d like to spend on your eventNumber of participants you’d like to involveDesired location for your eventSpecified budget for your eventSelected cause, corporate alignment, or local need
Facilitate anything from cleaning up a beach or park toparticipating in a combination team-building, care-package event!
Here Is How Your Company Can Execute a Rewarding CSR Event:
Send out pre-event info to your employees to garner excitement. Engage employees physically and mentally with contests that foster friendly competition.Invite a representative from the benefiting charity to speak.End with a photo opp of the team showcasing what they accomplished.Hire a team building company to bring your event to life!

Team Building Trends &Networking News, January 2020

Team Building 2020: More Than Just Fun & Games

By Linda Whitlock
It is no secret that we are more globally connected than ever. We can thank social media for keeping us in touch with friends and family around the world and smart phones for being our pocket-sized personal assistants. Because of this, it is even more important to capitalize on the time people spend together. Team building is the perfect approach to meaningful engagement. Stepping up the fun & games game!
Team Building 2020 is relationship building. In-person gatherings are invaluable! Use this time to allow attendees to foster relationships with authentic well-planned activities. This is especially important for companies with remote employees, or who have recently merged or reorganized — and essential for established teams at an annual meeting. Give people an opportunity to connect and discover someone or something new.

Team Up – Working Together to Move Forward

Teaming Up to Get Things Done

Most professionals develop a preference on how they work on projects, whether it’s on their own or with a group of people. Chances are, even if you’d rather go it alone, there are times when it makes greater sense to team up with a partner or a group.

Team Building that Rocks in the New Year

The start of the new near is a great time for companies to set the tone for the year ahead. Team building creates an experience that builds community and personal connections. We design programs to engage everyone in the activity.

Five Tips to Engage New Hires at Meetings and Events

The start of a new year often means new employees or employees transitioning into new roles within the same company. This translates to what can be an adjustment for everyone in the work place. To alleviate any feelings of anxiety or stress that such changes may bring, we suggest getting on the right track with a fun event that includes everyone from the top brass to the newest employee. Encouraging fun in the workplace strengthens relationships between co-workers and helps break the ice for new hires.

Creating a Yes, and… Atmosphere

Mention improv in almost any business setting and people think of “Whose Line Is It Anyway,” “Saturday Night Live” and pretty much any Judd Apatow film. The idea of getting up to perform in front of a group of peers can be terrifying. The idea that improvisational acting is only about being funny is a common misconception.

CASE STUDY: Philanthropic Event for Pharmaceutical Company Multi Focus Event for 1,200 people

This pharmaceutical company wanted to provide a meaningful charitable team event for 1,200 attendees during their National Sales Meeting. The event would support the client’s larger overall Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative and annual day of service, benefiting local non-profit organizations in the Las Vegas area where the meeting was taking place.

How to Plan a Conference Welcome Reception That Keeps Them Talking

Conference Attendees Embracing the International Theme

Conference opening receptions are a perfect opportunity for guests to meet and greet each other before the meetings officially kick off. In this casual setting, participants can get to know each other, get a feel for the venue, and even get a taste for the host city. With more and more people working remotely, an opening reception can also offer a face to face networking opportunity for colleagues who may not see each other at the office. Here are some tips to set your conference reception above the rest.

Dos and Don’ts of Communication in the Workplace

Good communication is a key ingredient for a successful company. Employees experience an increase in morale, productivity and commitment if they are able to communicate effectively with one another. Here are some do and don’t tips to improve communication in your workplace.

Company Culture – Five Ideas for Your Team to Give Back

Colleagues Teambuilding & Volunteering
Colleagues Teambuilding & Volunteering

Company culture plays a big role in employee satisfaction and retention. Some companies embrace a work hard, play hard ideology, others embrace giving back to the communities in which they are located. Deloitte, Salesforce, Stryker and others listed in the March 2015 Fortune article by Benjamin Snyder (@WriterSnyder) pay their employees for their time while they give back. Employees are encouraged to get into the community and share their talents. They do good works for others, they can feel good about their achievements and proud of their company for supporting their efforts. This is a triple win!